NPSH Visualized
If you’ve ever fallen asleep reading pump texts about NPSH, you’re not alone. But here’s an easy-to-understand, graphical approach to ensuring your NPSHa>NPSHr.
For newbies, Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHa, a function of the suction side of the pump system) must exceed Net Positive Suction Head Required (NPSHr, a function of the pump) to avoid…

Distributor Spotlight | Michael Smith Engineers Ltd.
Viking Pump is proud to have Michael Smith Engineers (MSE) as a distributor in Great Britain. The company has a solid reputation as one of the GB's leading pump specialists, providing solutions for difficult liquid handling since 1971. With a broad range of experience and ISO 9001 accreditation by NQA Ltd since 1994...

Four Ways to Source Hygienic Pumps
There are really four main types of suppliers of hygienic, or sanitary pumps for food and pharmaceutical applications. There is no…

Revolutionary to Evolutionary: A brief history of the Viking Pump® internal gear pump
In the early 20th century industrial innovation was accelerating. And as Henry Ford developed his Model T and the Wright Brothers were unlocking the secrets to manned flight, a Danish immigrant named Jens Nielsen was working on an invention of his own. Nielsen’s internal gear pump was intended to be used to lift water from his quarry but soon others found uses for his pump…

Exploring the Versatility of the U-Plus™ Bracket and ProPort™ Casing in Gear Pumps
At Viking Pump, innovation is at the forefront of what we do. With the introduction of the U-Plus™ Bracket and ProPort™ Casing, we are redefining the capabilities of our internal gear pumps. These advancements are not just about new technology; they are about providing flexibility…

Understanding Internal Gear Pumps: How They Work and Their Benefits
Discover how internal gear pumps work, their key features, and their advantages across various industries. Learn why they're the preferred choice for fluid handling.

Viking Pump Industrial Tests New Modular Design at Stepan Company’s UK Facility
A loyal customer of Viking Pump® for 15 years, Stepan agreed to beta-test one of the latest pumps from our new Universal Product Line (4227C Series™) at their UK chemical manufacturing plant. Michael Smith Engineers is the local Viking Pump distributor, who initially approached Stepan as a likely pilot candidate due to a longstanding supplier-buyer relationship. Together, they set up the trial…

Expanded Seal Flexibility with U-Plus™ Brackets
Viking Pump’s new generation of pumps (sizes H-QS in steel and stainless steel) offer a wide array of benefits that the previous alloy pumps could not, particularly in the area of sealing flexibility. These new pumps increase the number of sealing options possible in one pump, while at the same time reducing cost and lead times.

All You Need to Know About ProPort™ Casings
Viking Pump’s new generation of internal gear pumps offer a wide array of benefits that the previous alloy pumps could not, particularly in the area of porting flexibility. These new pumps reduced the number of casing configurations, which helps reduce manufacturing complexity, cost and lead times, while at…

Introducing Viking Pump’s NEW Generation of Pumps
As a masterclass in engineering design and manufacturing flexibility, Viking Pump has re-designed its heavy-duty alloy pumps, both steel and stainless steel, in the most ingenious ways. These new models reduce price and lead time by significantly reducing the number of casings and brackets for manufacturing simplification, while simultaneously providing more options for porting and shaft…

Pump Choices in Chocolate and Confectionery Processing: Lobe/CP Pumps vs. Internal Gear Pumps
Unlike food processors who primarily use centrifugal pumps, chocolate and confectionery processors have two main preferences for handling viscous liquors, chocolates, sugars and other confectionery liquids: Rotary Lobe / Circumferential Piston (CP) pumps and Internal Gear Pumps. These Positive Displacement-type pumps are chosen due to various reasons. But which is…

U.S. EPA Bans Natural Gas-Driven Pumps
A new EPA rule, published December 2, 2023, covering new and existing oil and gas operations, requires the use of zero-emissions pumps instead of natural gas-driven pumps, with very few exceptions. It also restricts other natural gas-driven equipment, limits fugitive emissions and calls for reduced flaring of associated gas

Pressure Relief Valves: Critical to Pump and System Safety and Reliability
A key advantage of rotary positive displacement pumps is providing consistent flow regardless of changes in liquid viscosity or differential pressure. But should a downstream blockage occur, pressure will rapidly build and may exceed the rating of the pump, drive equipment, system, or any combination thereof, with the potential for damage and unplanned downtime. For this reason, overpressure…

Reversing a Gear Pump
With Viking pumps the answer is usually “yes,” but before you turn that “reverse” switch on your pump’s motor starter or variable frequency drive, there are a number of things to consider, which are discussed here

How An Internal Gear Pump Works
All positive displacement pumps work by first expanding a cavity between the casing and one or more moving parts to create a partial vacuum, so atmospheric pressure can force liquid into the pumping chamber through the inlet port… read more.

Circumferential Piston Pumps Are NOT Lobe Pumps
Viking Pump invented the internal gear pump in the early 20th century; but did you know that we carry various other pump technologies? Most of them are easily identifiable based on their shape. But one common mistake… read more.

7 Essential Tools for Pump Repair
Like any job, you need the proper tools to do it well – and the same is true for repairing or servicing positive displacement gear pumps. Below are helpful hand tools that Viking's pump experts recommend having ready for… read more.

5 Reasons to NOT Settle for Imitators
Having a great product, with a great reputation, and being a technology inventor like Viking Pump®, positions you as a market leader with high visibility. As such, other internal gear pump manufacturers naturally want to follow in your footsteps. While that is a huge compliment, it also causes confusion among internal gear pump buyers.
In this article we'll walk through 5 reasons you'…

Viking Pump Energy Commits to Planting 10,000 Trees in 2023
The Viking Pump® Energy Segment has partnered with global non-profit One Tree Planted with a goal of planting 10,000 trees annually. Every tree planted makes a positive impact for nature, wildlife, and people around the world.

Retrieving Freedom Receives Donation from Viking Pump
The Viking Pump ROOTS committee awarded Retrieving Freedom a $5,000 donation to support their local efforts to provide trained service dogs for individuals with disabilities in our community.

Viscosity Through Thick and Thin
Viscosity is a measure of a liquid’s resistance to flow. And you don’t need to work in a laboratory to observe this. Anyone who’s spent any time in the kitchen has observed a variety of liquids with a wide variety of viscosities.

7 Things You Want to Know about Flanged Ports, but are Too Afraid to Ask
Flange standards used on Viking pumps have been in place for over a century so EVERYONE should be experts on this now…right? It turns out not so much. There are various standards and various design differences in each standard. AND the standards have evolved over the years, leading some to use obsolete terms which only compounds the confusion. The following should help clear up some of this…

Customers don’t ask me to listen to quiet pumps. This is symptom #1 of a cavitating pump. The pump is loud. Descriptors like “growly”, “rumbling”, or “gravelly” are used to describe the atypically loud sound coming from the pump.
“Does it always sound like this?” I ask.
“No, it was fine in the fall, but it’s been loud all winter.”

Relief Valves: The ever-vigilant heroes
Millions of homes around the world are fitted with water heating devices such as boilers or water supply heaters. Should they overheat, pressures can rise internally until the tank ruptures. Though extremely rare, this does happen and can even propel a water heater like a rocket through the floor and roof of a dwelling. So how can we sleep peacefully each night with the…

Low-Cost Insurance Policy: how a strainer will save you time and money
It’s typically impossible to see inside pipes and tanks.
Industrial pipes are usually steel or stainless. Even the occasionally used PVC is typically opaque.
But on the day of this customer visit, they had a sight glass placed in a horizontal run of pipe which permitted a peek inside…

Current and Flow: An electrical engineer’s guide to the concepts of fluid systems
Unlike most of my colleagues I didn’t start out with a mechanical background. While they were studying kinetics and machine design, I was studying digital electronics and industrial power. When I started my career in the world of pumps, I had to learn a whole new set of concepts. What was surprising was that while the terminology may be a bit different, the concepts are…

Don’t Forget to Stretch
Long before Covid-19 many of us, myself included, have been sidelined by illness. During this period of downtime, we rest and minimize physical activity. Post-illness we’re eager to resume our normal lifestyle, but doing so without preparation can lead to difficulties, even injury. For idled pumping equipment the same principle applies.…

Chemical Transportation Company Saves Time with RTPe Series™
With today’s fast-paced supply chain demands, it is essential that tanker truck systems can unload contents quickly to ensure timely delivery for optimum manufacturing efficiency. Stony Run Enterprises Inc., a family-owned trucking enterprise located in Hamilton, Ohio, understands this sense of urgency with its commitment to transport multiple types of products with “speed,…

Fear of the Gear
In the world of positive displacement pumping, reduced speed operation is a common requirement. High viscosity liquids, shear sensitive liquids, abrasive liquids, or any combination thereof require the pump speed to be reduced from synchronous motor speeds.

Copper Mining Operation Optimizes Sulfuric Acid Handling
Copper is fast becoming a critical resource as the world shifts to an increasingly lower carbon footprint, and with the growing demand comes a need for more efficient processing (i.e., refining) of the mineral ore.
The owner of a copper mine in Antofagasta City, Chile wanted to replace its legacy centrifugal pumps used…